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Financial Planning Consultation

Financial planning consultation is the term I use for a service designed for those who want ideas and perspective, but not a written financial plan. With a financial planning consultation, you come away from our meeting(s) with the notes you've taken and can schedule more time with me again on an as-needed basis. 

A financial planning consultation is not a substitute for a financial plan, but in the right situation it can provide a lot of value.


A Financial Planning Consultation Might Be Right For You if...

  • You want ideas on how to improve your current strategy, but do not want an actual financial plan.  
  • You recently received advice from another advisor and want to know if I see any red flags. 
  • You want to hear what I think about specific topics, so that you can investigate further on your own.
  • You want to see what working with me is like before engaging me for a financial plan or hiring me as an investment manager.   

This Service Might Not Be Right for You if...

  • You are seeking a recommendation on a major life decision, such as when to retire.
  • You wish to receive a numerical answer. For example, how much to buy of a specific investments. 
  • You are not comfortable doing additional research on your own after our conversation.                                                                            


Fees are calculated using my hourly rate of $300 per hour (6-minute increments with partial increments billed as a whole). After we meet, payment can be made via check or I can provide you with instructions on how to pay using a credit card, debit card, or bank account. 

How to Get Started

To schedule a financial planning consultation, please use the link directly below. 

Click Here to Schedule a Financial Planning Consultation

If you prefer a financial plan instead of a financial planning consultation, please see the financial planning page